10 best Online Jobs for Students that you can Turn into a Career or a Business from Home


Are you searching for the best online jobs or trusted work-from-home jobs that will help you make money in 2023?

Working from home jobs is the most enjoyable job. So can avoid the morning commutation routine and the evening rush of returning home. Here are some best work-from-home jobs with their hours earning in dollars.

These are all great questions — and I’m here to help you answer them.

I’ve put together a list of legitimate, proven online jobs so you can pick the one that’s right for you.

Ready to figure out how you can make money from the comfort of your own home?

These are some of the many benefits of legit online jobs!

This article is definitely for you. I’ll discuss some legitimate jobs to make quick make money online. Most college students are willing to work online to earn money in their free time instead of wasting time chatting.

List of 10 Best Online Jobs in 2023

Here’s the list of a few authentic and legit best online jobs that really pay for your hard work:

  1. Blogger
  2. Affiliate marketing
  3. Data Entry Jobs
  4. YouTube Vlogger
  5. Freelance Writer
  6. Website Designer
  7. Instagram Influencer
  8. Graphic Designer
  9. Ebook Publisher
  10. Create a Niche Website

What does an online job mean?

What is an online job? “Online” jobs are done outside of the traditional office environment using the Internet.

Similar to virtual work, online jobs can typically be done from any location as long as the appropriate technology is available.

1. Blogger


Blogger is a term with two meanings that can refer to a blogging platform with that name or to a person who writes on a blog.

Blogger.com is an online blog creation service created by Pyra Labs in 1998 and acquired by Google in 2003. It arose to respond to the need for many users to publish content on the Internet without having knowledge of code or programming.

Blogging has changed over the years from small personal sites to multi-million dollar businesses. With that, so to have bloggers evolved to keep up with these changes and drive the industry forward.

These days, bloggers can be found all over the world and come from a huge variety of different backgrounds. If you’ve got a device and access to the internet, there’s no reason you can’t become one too. However, it’s best to do your research beforehand and go forward with a plan.

The four main ways to make money from blogging include:

  • Advertising – You get paid for putting ads on your blog.
  • Affiliate Marketing – This is where you get paid a commission for any products that you sell via your blog.
  • Digital Products – You can sell your own eBooks, courses, etc.
  • Services – If you like to work one on one with people, a blog can be a great way to generate leads for coaching, consulting, etc.

Blog vs Website

Blogs are a type of website. The only real difference between a blog and other types of websites is that blogs are updated on a regular basis with new content, which is displayed in reverse chronological order (new blog posts first).

Typical websites are static in nature where content is organized in pages, and they are not updated frequently. Whereas a blog is dynamic and is usually updated more frequently. Some bloggers publish multiple new articles a day.

Blogs can be part of a larger website. Often businesses have a blog section where they regularly create content to inform and educate their customers.

You can use WordPress to create both, a website and a blog, that’s why a lot of business owners use WordPress to build their small business websites.

For example, Infoevs is a blog and a website.

What is the aim of blogs?

  • To help your company rank on search engines.
  • To share information about a given topic and become an expert in an industry.
  • To attract visitors to your site, and turn those visitors into leads.
  • To cultivate an online community and engage with an audience.

How do I start a blog?

  • Choose your target audience.
  • Brainstorm content ideas frequently based on your market segment.
  • Research and review a content management system (CMS).
  • Create a blog strategy and an editorial calendar.
  • Pay attention to the article’s structure.
  • Become an expert in marketing and promoting your blog.
  • Learn about SEO.
  • Use a variety of blog post styles.
  • Repurpose old content.
  • Perform a competitive analysis.

Blog or Website: Which One is Better?

As a beginner, you may be wondering whether you should start a blog or publish a website. Which one is better? The answer to this question depends on your goals.

Many small businesses around the world have traditional websites made up of just pages and no blog. Such small websites are often made to create an informational web presence for a business, organization, or individual.

On the other hand, more and more businesses are realizing the potential of a blog in their overall marketing strategy. Business owners are adding a separate blog section to their traditional websites and using it to get more traffic from search engines.

2. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing promotes other people’s products in return for a small commission for each sale. You’ve probably seen headings marked “affiliate link” or “sponsored post” on many of the websites you visit, or maybe you’ve already taken the first step and signed up for an affiliate network.

To start affiliate marketing, you need to: Let’s discuss how it works.

  • Join an affiliate program of a company like Amazon.
  • Decide a niche for your website
  • Make a social presence on media platforms
  • Use paid marketing channels
  • Join an affiliate program

First, find an affiliate program or network you are interested in. Look at the program overview, including the type of products or services, payment methods, and commissions they offer.

If it appeals to you, sign up and wait for confirmation of your acceptance. Then, start creating content and adding the program’s custom links. Those links track when one of your users makes a purchase, and you’ll earn a small commission.

You can work with individual companies or affiliate networks, where you register and choose the programs that interest you. The programs are generally divided into categories to make selection easier. Once approved, start promoting your affiliate links on your website, in newsletters, on social media, and anywhere else you’re permitted to share links.

The network sends you a payment when you’ve reached the minimum payment level. Payment methods vary and usually include PayPal, bank transfers, and checks.

3. Data Entry Jobs

Data entry jobs

Data entry: What is it? Data entry is the process of entering information or updating records in a database or computer system. What does a data entry clerk do?

Data entry professionals use computers and data processing programs to input information. Data entry job descriptions may also include transcribing data from recordings or phone conversations.

While most data entry duties are handled electronically, paper documentation may be used as well, depending on the employer.

Typically, many employers require only a high school diploma or GED equivalent for job applicants seeking to start a data entry career. However, in some cases (often depending on the industry) a bachelor’s degree may be required.

Academic qualifications will be made clear prior to a potential data entry job interview. You may be required to take a data entry test, which measures the accuracy of the data you input.

Using data processing software is often a prerequisite as well, so many employers look for candidates who are proficient with platforms like Microsoft Office or the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet program.

4. YouTube Vlogger

YouTube Vlogger

YouTube has over 2.6 billion users who consume a wide variety of content. Being the biggest market on the internet, starting a YouTube channel is one of the best online jobs.

You can start your channel focusing on education, technology, wildlife, design, comedy, music, etc. Once you have enough followers, you can also run ads on your channel to earn a commission.

  • Communication Skills
  • Video Editing
  • Marketing Skills
  • Self-Motivated

How to become a successful vlogger and a good YouTuber?

Being a vlogger – or video blogger – seems really cool, but gaining an audience is harder than it sounds. Preparing before becoming a vlogger can really help you along your path to becoming a successful vlogger and a good YouTuber. Be yourself. When you are being yourself in your videos, you begin to become comfortable with yourself.

5. Freelance Writer

Freelance Writer

The freelance definition – or freelance meaning – as a writer is someone who works on a self-employed basis. You are considered an independent business owner.

You can define freelance as someone who typically writes for more than one client and is paid per writing assignment or per batch of assignments.

I have several high-paying freelance writing clients with recurring projects or ad hoc projects.

There are many names you can call yourself depending on what service you want:

  • Freelance Blogger – the focus is on blog writing
  • Content Writer – the focus is on different types of content (white paper, blog posts, eBooks…)
  • SEO Writer – focus on providing highly optimized content for search engines as a way to rank in Google
  • Content Strategist – focus more on creative and managing content
  • Freelance Web Content Writer – the focus is on providing content for the web
  • Ghost Writer – the focus is on providing ghostwritten (not in your name) for eBooks, blog posts, website pages, emails, white papers, and more
  • Professional writer – once you’ve worked as a freelance writer for a while, you can officially call yourself a professional writer

I call myself a professional writer since I’ve been a freelance writer since 2014 and am knowledgeable in my niche.

But I primarily write blog posts for SaaS businesses (software as a service) in the B2B industry.

Blog writing is HIGHLY versatile because if you can write a blog post, you can also write:

  • An email
  • A social media post
  • A landing page
  • Web copy

All of those forms of content types are what businesses are seeking from a freelance writer. So to become a freelance writer, knowing this type of writing is essential.

6. Website Designer

Website Designer

A website designer is responsible for creating visually appealing and user-friendly layouts for websites. This includes designing the layout, graphics, and images for the website, as well as ensuring that the website is functional and easy to navigate.

Website designers typically use a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create websites, and may also work with content management systems (CMS) to make it easy for clients to update and maintain their websites.

Some website designers also have experience in search engine optimization (SEO) and may be able to help improve a website’s visibility on search engines.

If your interest is piqued, let’s dig into this career and see what it takes to become a successful web designer.

What does a website designer do on a daily basis?

A website designer’s daily tasks can vary depending on the specific project and the stage of development, but generally, they may include:

  • Meeting with clients to understand their needs and goals for the website
  • Creating wireframes and mockups to plan the layout and design of the website
  • Using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to code and implement the website design
  • Optimizing the website for different devices and screen sizes
  • Testing the website to ensure it is fully functional and free of errors
  • Making updates and revisions to the website based on client feedback
  • Collaborating with other members of a development team, such as programmers and content creators
  • Keeping up-to-date with the latest web design trends and technologies

Website designers may work on one website at a time or juggle multiple projects at once. They might be working as a freelancer, part of an agency, or with a company.

7. Instagram Influencer

Instagram Influencer

An Instagram influencer is someone who uses their personal Instagram account to promote products or services to their followers.

They typically have a large following on the platform and are able to leverage this to reach a specific target audience.

Instagram influencers are paid by brands to create sponsored content, such as sponsored posts, Instagram Stories, or IGTV videos.

A typical day for an Instagram influencer may include the following:

  • Planning and brainstorming content ideas for their Instagram feed and stories
  • Creating and editing content, such as photos and videos
  • Engaging with their followers by responding to comments and direct messages
  • Collaborating with brands to create sponsored content
  • Analyzing metrics and data to track the performance of their posts and campaigns
  • Keeping up-to-date with the latest trends and algorithm changes on Instagram
  • Networking and building relationships with other influencers and brands

Instagram influencers might work as a full-time job or as a side hustle. They may have to be creative, be good at photography, and have a good understanding of social media platforms to be able to connect with their audience.

8. Graphic Designer

Graphic Designer

A graphic designer is responsible for creating visual concepts, using computer software or by hand, to communicate ideas that inspire, inform, or captivate consumers.

They develop the overall layout and production design for various applications such as advertisements, brochures, magazines, and corporate reports.

A typical day for a graphic designer may include the following:

  • Meeting with clients or team members to discuss project requirements and goals
  • Researching and gathering information about the project
  • Sketching or creating digital drafts of design concepts
  • Using computer software to create final designs and layouts
  • Collaborating with other members of a creative team, such as writers, editors, and photographers
  • Reviewing and revising designs based on feedback from clients or team members
  • Preparing files for print or digital distribution
  • Keeping up-to-date with the latest design trends and technologies
  • Presenting designs to clients or team members for approval

Graphic designers might work as freelancers, as part of an agency, or with a company. They may be specialized in a specific area, such as branding, packaging, web design, etc.

They might have to have good communication skills to be able to understand client’s needs and explain their design choices.

9. Ebook Publisher

Ebook Publisher

An ebook publisher is responsible for the creation and distribution of electronic books, also known as ebooks. They work with authors, editors, and other publishing professionals to produce, design, and distribute ebooks to consumers.

A typical day for an ebook publisher may include:

  • Reviewing and acquiring new book projects
  • Meeting with authors, editors, and other publishing professionals to discuss book projects and production schedules
  • Coordinating the editing, design, and formatting of ebooks
  • Overseeing the distribution of ebooks to digital retailers such as Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, and Google Play Books
  • Managing relationships with digital retailers and ensuring that ebooks are properly promoted and sold
  • Keeping track of sales and royalties
  • Staying up-to-date with the latest technologies and trends in ebook publishing
  • Analyzing data to track the performance of ebooks and make decisions about future projects

Ebook publishers might work as a part of a publishing company or as independent publishers. They may have to have a good understanding of the digital publishing industry, including the different ebook formats and distribution channels, as well as the ability to manage multiple projects at once.

They may also have to have good communication skills to be able to work with authors, editors, and other publishing professionals.

10. Create a Niche Website

Create a Niche Website

Creating a niche website refers to the process of creating a website that focuses on a specific topic or niche, such as a hobby, interest, or industry. The goal of a niche website is to provide valuable information and resources to a specific audience.

A typical day for someone creating a niche website may include:

  • Researching and identifying a profitable niche or topic for the website
  • Planning and outlining the content for the website
  • Writing and creating content for the website, such as blog posts, articles, and product reviews
  • Optimizing the website for search engines using techniques such as keyword research and on-page SEO
  • Building and maintaining the website using website creation tools such as WordPress
  • Promoting the website through social media and other online marketing channels
  • Analyzing website traffic and engagement metrics to measure the success of the website and make improvements
  • Staying up-to-date with the latest trends in the niche and making changes to the website as necessary

Creating a niche website can be a full-time job or a side hustle. One might have to be familiar with website creation tools and platforms, have good writing and research skills, and have a good understanding of online marketing strategies to be able to drive traffic to the website.

Best Online Jobs: FAQs

Q: What are the best online jobs for students in 2023?

If you are a college student and looking for part-time jobs to make money online in your free time, we recommend the following three online jobs where you can earn a decent amount of money:
→ Become a freelancer
→ Become a blogger

Q: What are the best online jobs from home without investment for 2023?

There are a ton of real online jobs that you can use to make money from home without any investment and they include:
→ Blogging
→ YouTube

Q: Are online jobs easy to get?

The following online jobs are not always easy to get, but once you find your way, you’ll be able to build long-term skills that you can turn into a career or a business. Online Tutor If you’re doing well in college, it’s easy to think everyone else is too, but the truth is that many people struggle with passing their courses.

Q: Do online jobs really pay?

Do online jobs really pay? Yes, online jobs do pay well, and there is a wide range of options and salaries. For example, on the low end, you could become a virtual assistant and earn an average pay of $17 per hour. On the high end, you could learn how to start a blog and make money with affiliate marketing.


The future of work will be done online. And you must get to work right away if you want to fit in. Working from home has many advantages, including reduced travel time and costs, the ability to work on multiple projects, and flexibility.

Some people think it’s even preferable to have a job that requires daily attendance at the office. If you fall into this category, take action now!

As far as “work from home” jobs are concerned, we live in the best time there ever was. More and more companies allow people to work from home if the only tools these employees need are a computer and an Internet connection.

The careers above are just a few great examples. People also work from home as virtual assistants, translators, data entry professionals, customer service representatives, and salespeople.

If your job can be done on a computer and you want to work from home, don’t be shy. Ask your employer if it’s possible, even part-time.

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Hi, I am Yunus, founder of moneyintra.com. I started my blog to help people by sharing my 3 years of knowledge and experience.


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